EU Cybersecurity Strategy (II)

I wrote about EU Cybersecurity Strategy last week and I’m going to keep writing about it this week. I’ll write about building operational capacity to prevent, deter and respond. I’ll write about how Member State authorities are going to build a systematic and comprehensive information sharing and they are going to cooperate for a common response. This is the second chapter of the strategy where all EU institutions, bodies and agencies have to agree each other how they are going to cooperate against cyber threat.

The first step for cooperation will be a Joint Cyber Unit which will be a virtual and physical platform with a focus on operational and technical coordination against major cross border cyber incidents and threats. This Unit will have a “need-to-share” mind-set and will harness the progress achieved within the NIS Cooperation Group and the CyCLONe Network. The Unit would fulfil three main objetives: preparedness, awareness, and response.

Most people use technology and most of us have a dependence on online tools. As a result, the attack surface has increased exponentially. There are lots of types of crime with a digital component which require identification and prosecution of offenders. Therefore, tackling cybercrime effectively is another key factor in the EU Cybersecurity Strategy. The Commission wants to improve the capacity of law enforcement to investigate cybercrime, fully respecting fundamental rights and pursuing the required balance between various rights and interests.

The EU Cybersecurity Strategy also highlights the cyber diplomacy toolbox, which is a range of measures, including sanctions, for a diplomatic response to malicious cyber activities. According to the strategy, there will be a Member States’ EU cyber intelligence working group residing within the EU Intelligence and Situation Center (INTCER) to advance strategic intelligence cooperation on cyber threats and activities.

Finally, boosting cyber defense capabilities is another strategic iniciative to prevent, discourage, deter and respond to malicious cyber activities. Review the Cyber Defense Policy Framework (CDPF) and facilitate the development of an EU “Military Vision and Strategy on Cyberspace as a Domain of Operations” for CSDP military missions and operations are objetives for cyber defense capabilities, as well as, support synergies between civil, defense and space industries; and reinforce cybersecurity of critical space infrastructures under the Space Programme.

To sum up, this second chapter of the EU Cybersecurity Strategy is mainly focused on cyber defense with a new Unit, new laws and new diplomacy tools to prevent cyber threat.

Have a nice day! I encourage you to read this kind of strategies to learn deeply about Cybersecurity!
