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I have just finished reading a book about brands. All of us know lots of brands. Most people want brand’ shoes, brand’ jeans, brand’ shirts, etc. We want brands because we think brand’ stuff is much better than other stuff which nobody knows. We are willing to pay more for a brand’s shoes than for another shoes that nobody knows. As a result, companies spends lots of money in advertising campaigns. They even pay to celebrities, such as Michael Jordan or Cristiano Ronaldo, lots of money to make advertising campaigns.

Celebrities also take into account they are working for these companies. Therefore, they have to speak very well about these brands and they have to wear the clothes for which they are sponsor. I remember a press conference where Cristiano Ronaldo showed off again and again a luxury diamond watch. I think he scratched his face and his lips from time to time just to show the “amazing” watch. However, famous people also have to be careful about what companies they are sponsor because some of them could ruin their own personal brand.

Superstars could ruin their own personal brand when they support manufacturers which make products without taking into consideration the workers’ rights and human rights. Companies increasingly make products in east countries such as China, Vietnam or Indonesia where workers earn very little money. In addition, these factories don’t have the minimum security measures. They don’t have a well air condition and hygiene. Consequently, people work in high risk factories and they work lots of hours for a low wage.

There are lots of east people who work in bad working conditions and this is the main reason why we can buy products very cheap. Mainly, U.S. companies have the idea and invest in them, european people work for the idea, and finally, east workers manufacture the product. However, working for a low salary is also increasingly usual in west countries. There are not factories and there are not enough jobs for everybody. Therefore, west people have a low salary and these people buy cheap products, which are make in east factory with low wages. It’s a dangerous virtuous cycle.

Wealthy people is getting richer and poor people is getting poorest. Thereby, there are people who have realised we have to do something. There are demonstrations and strikes in front of malls. There are billboards which are destroyed or repainted. There are even foundations, such as Adbusters Media Foundation, which fight to counter pro-consumerist advertising. It's up to you if you want to fight for your rights.

To sum up, companies no longer manufacture products but brands. Most people want brands and we want to buy cheap things. Companies have outsource the manufacturing process and most factories are in east countries. We don’t bother products are made by people who work lots of hours for a low wage, or we don’t want to know about it. It’s time to thing about consumerism.

Regards my friends. A nice book, like this one, can change your mind!
